How to Aim a Recurve Bow Without Sights

Archery is popular among hunters and among those who like to train their skills at the shooting range.  As with any weapon, hitting the target with a bow is convenient.  You can’t just aim a weapon at a common target and have a real hope of hitting it.  The process of aiming a bow with a scope, involving the maximum chance of hitting the target.  Aiming from a bow sight allows the archer to balance the flight of the aircraft’s arrow against the intended and intended shots fired while aiming. Instinctive Archery

Your consciousness concentrates on the point (target), and the subconscious mind builds a line, a trajectory along which the arrow will go to hit the point.

This is a very useful sight for shooting at moving targets and for fast shooting.  This method is suitable for people with good motor coordination.

The point of intuitive aiming is that the better you concentrate on the target, the more accurately you can hit it.

The accuracy of this type of aiming is worked out only by shooting, by experience of shooting at various targets at various distances.

What is Instinctive Archery?

This system of shooting, performed during hunting, differs from the existing systemic situation of the bow, by fixing the bowstring and aiming.  The bow is not held vertically, but tilted to the right, at an angle of about 30°.  The string, with the bow fully drawn, is fixed in a higher position – closer to the right eye;  The arrows of the shank usually occur just at the right corner of the mouth, while the descriptive indication of the organs of vision above the right hand slightly affects the protruding top of the cheekbone.

  At the moment of aiming, the hunter-shooter does not think about the sight;  attention is focused on the smallest visible pleasantness in the center of the target.  Drawing the bow, fixing the bowstring, releasing the arrow, and the subsequent short pause are performed in the usual manner.  The system described above is universal for most stages of preparation for a shot in field shooting.

Instinctive Archery

 Your consciousness concentrates on the point (target), and the subconscious mind builds a line, a trajectory along which the arrow will go to hit the point.

 This is a very useful sight for shooting at moving targets and for fast shooting.  This method is suitable for people with good motor coordination.

 The point of intuitive aiming is that the better you concentrate on the target, the more accurately you can hit it.

 The accuracy of this type of aiming is worked out only by shooting, by experience of shooting at various targets at various distances.

How to shoot instinctive archery

1. Position the body of the body perpendicular to the target.  When you are ready to shoot, stand in such a way that you can mentally draw a straight line across your shoulders to the target (this line will be perpendicular to your feet).  If your dominant eye is right, grab the bow in your left hand, point your left shoulder towards the target, and grasp the bowstring with your right hand.  If the leading eye is left, do the opposite.  2. Stand up straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart.  Tighten your buttocks to push your pelvis slightly forward.  Keep your back straight so that your arms and shoulders can form a “T” as you draw the string. The stance should be comfortable enough that you can stay in it for a long time, yet firm and alert.

Why Instinctive Archery?

Many people have problems aiming accurately in traditional archery with sights, clickers, and fancy gadgets.

Archery is useless if you can’t aim correctly.

Although it isn’t necessary to be accurate with a traditional bow before hunting – because you could use a compound bow etc. – it pays to know how to shoot with all kinds of bows.

If you can shoot instinctively, you can shoot any kind of bow because instinctive archery is the complete kind of archery.

How To Improve Instinctive Archery (H2)

In order to develop this skill, you need to develop a habit.  For this, you can turn to your subconscious.  We do many things subconsciously without even thinking.  Shooting should be one of those things.  You need to train a lot so that your brain can remember everything you need to shoot correctly.  Learn how to properly draw the string.  Do this several times a day so that the brain remembers the correct position for shooting.  Get into the correct position for the shot, also several times, so that at the time of the shot you do it on the subconscious

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